Ultra sound . 3
Current mood:I just got back from my third ultra sound. I don't really know how to put into words what I am feeling. It's not like it was for the 20 week ultra sound where we found out that we are having a girl and it's not like the 9 week ultra sound when we got to see the baby in my belly for the first time......it's different. It was much harder to see her because she has gotten so big and instead of seeing most of her in one frame, we got to see little segments of her.....a thigh, her spine, a shoulder. And again the little bugger was head down and face down.....a good position for birthing but not so great for ultra sound pictures. We did get to see her cheeks which look chubby and adorable and her little hands which now look like normal hands and not alien hands. My doctor told me that I am about a week ahead of schedule based on measurements she took from the ultra sound and that Madeline is about 5 pounds right now. Dan weighed 7 pounds 9 ounces when he was born and I was 7 pounds 15 ounces, so we may get a chubby baby. All in all it was a good doctors visit and I'm glad that we got a little peek at Maddie.....I just wish for once we could get a good profile picture of her, but I am happy that she is doing well and is healthy. Now if we can just make time speed up so she can be here and not in my uterus that would be perfect! Oh and by the way......it was confirmed that she is indeed a she. I wasn't worried, but there was a little teeny tiny fear in the back of my head that we were going to end up having a boy who would have to wear a lot of pink, but.......she's all girl!!tired
Nursery walls completo
Current mood:I am really really happy with the progress that we have made on the nursery. Dan and I measued out stripes, used a chalk line to make sure they were straight, taped them and finally painted the stripes. It was a lot of work and my bones hurt afterward, but I think we did a fantastic job painting and I'm glad that's done. We also finished the wall paper border. It was the first time that either of us had actually put any kind of wall paper up and I must say we did a pretty good job. Well.....it's still hanging on the walls, so it can't be that bad. Haha. With all of that done, all I have left to do is the deccorating which is the funnest part for me and what I'm looking forward to the most. I'm waiting to start that until Dan leaves for Switzerland so that I can have a project to work on while he is gone. Below are pictures of our progress. I'll post more when the nursery is completely finished. Wish me luck.happy
This is a picture of the finished stripes....all we need now is the border!
View of the beautiful walls with our fantastic border.
My day of painting
Current mood:I am so EXHAUSTED! Dan is gone this weekend camping with his family.....why didn't I go you ask? Well, being in my 8th month of pregnancy the idea of sleeping on the ground and living outside in a freakin' hot North Carolina summer does not really appeal to me. The temp outside has been in the upper 90s with humidity all week. I'm happy in my air conditioned home thank you very much.exhausted
So, I decided to make my time here at home alone useful and start painting the nursery. I went to Lowe's and picked out the paint and started last night. I did all of the trim work around the windows and doors and the baseboards. I ended up staying up until about 2:30 painting and went to bed really tired. I then got up this morning and did the trim around the ceiling and rolled out the entire room. By the time I finished around 3:00 this afternoon I was sweating profusely and felt like I was going to fall over. I took a break and watched some TV and then went back in and did some touch up work. The room looks FABULOUS! I however am not doing so great. I'm glad I got it all done, but I seriously hurt!! My back is killing me from bending over and my legs and feet hurt from going up and down the ladder and I am having problems with the simple task of walking. I know I'll be fine I just need some rest and a couple of days, but I can't believe how much more difficult things are whilst pregnant.....I used to paint all the time with no problems, and now I paint one room and am falling apart. My poor body.
So, below are some pictures of the newly painted nursery......it's not complete yet because we are going to do 12 inch verticle stripes on the bottom half of the room with red, blue, orange and the green to match the crib bedding and we also have a border to seperate the stripes and solid green, but you can see the first stages of the project. Also, there is a picture of the bedding. (If the green looks slightly different from picture to picture it's just because of the angle, or flash vs. no flash....it's all the same green)
Stay tuned for more pictures of the completed nursery......I'm gonna try and get Dan to help me with the stripes before he leaves for Switzerland on the 29th! I'm gonna go lay down.....I'm spent!
I failed.....
Current mood:Today was D day and I failed. The D stands for diabetes. I took my 3 hour test which involves getting tested 4 times within 3 hours.....I passed the first two and then failed the last two.....which means that I have gestational diabetes. After the first two tests I felt so good and was pretty sure (my doctor agreeed) that I was going to pass. When the nurse told me that I failed, I started crying, right there in the lab. I just feel overwhelmed and so tired. I hadn't had anything to eat or drink in 12 hours and was so thirsty I was thinking about drinking toilet water. I just can't believe that it has taken this long to get a final result.....I am now 32 weeks preggo and just getting a gestational diabetes diagnosis. I feel a bit like a failure that I can't even get this right. I mean how hard is it to be pregnant and keep a baby in my womb and not get myself or it sick? I'm worried that Maddie is going to grow too big and that I am going to have a c-section which scares me to death. I am also worried because I have to start testing my blood sugar at home and have to prick myself 4 times a day and I don't know if I can do that......I don't like when the nurse does it and at least then I can look away and it doesn't happen everyday. I'm having a really emotional day and hope that I will be calmer and in better spirits tomorrow when I have more time to wrap my head around all of this. For those of you who are the praying type, keep me and the baby in your prayers. I really want for her and I to be healthy and for me to be able to get through all things diabetes related with my sanity intact. I need a nap.scared
Current mood:I am soo happy that Dan is home! Not only did I miss him terribly, but I realized that I am not as functional without him. Only one trip to Switzerland to go in August and he'll never leave me again. (hopefully)cheerful
Mice: The day after Dan arrived home, we went and took back the humane mouse traps that I had bought and bought the killer snap traps. I was always okay with killing the gross mice, but didn't want to handle them once they were dead and thus bought humane traps. We set the snap traps up with peanut butter and waited........the next morning we hadn't caught any mice, but the little buggers had somehow eaten the peanut butter off the traps and escaped with thier lives. Day two, we decided to put cheese in the traps......you know what they say about mice and cheese, well it worked. The next morning while Dan was at work, I checked in the pantry and low and behold there was a dead mouse with a broken neck. I promptly called Dan at work and told him that we caught one and then didn't go back into the laundry room or pantry again for the rest of the day.....Dan took care of mouse #1 once he got home that afternoon. We caught mouse #2 while we were eating dinner that same night. We were sitting at the table and hear a snap sound coming from the sink area.....I actually didn't put 2 and 2 together but Dan told me that we caught another one. We went over and checked under the kitchen sink and sure enough there was a mouse in our trap, but the gross part was it wasn't dead yet and it was flailing to try and get loose!!! Yuck. We closed the door and waited for a few minutes for it to die and then after dinner Dan took care of it! I don't know if you can tell, but I am feeling much more calm about this whole issue.....having Dan home really makes me feel more at ease and I know that he will take care of the yuckie things that I can't handle. We haven't caught anymore which leads me to believe that there were only 2 mice, but we still have the traps loaded and ready for war if needed!
4th of July: We spent the 4th of July in a pretty boring way. We were thinking about going to the pool, but it was a bit hazy in the early afternoon and we figured that there would be aboue a million kids at the pool and didn't want to deal with them (we both love kids, but when there are so many of them at the pool, it is not very much fun because you get splahed in the face and have kids jumping over your head into the pool.....probably more fun once we have our own little water devil) so we decided the pool was out. Dan was going to mow the lawn, but the mower seems to be in a constant state of broken-ness.....guess that's what happens with free. So we decided to stay home and relax and cuddle......until I realized that there was a project runway season 2 marathon on!!! I totally missed that whole season because Time Warner Cable in Cary didn't carry the Bravo channel and decided that I NEEDED to catch up. Needless to say Dan was not that into this idea and went into the livingroom to watch a Law and Order Marathon. I know what you're saying......how boring can we be? Well, it gets better. We went out to dinner around 7:00 to Smithfield's chicken and then took our spiffy camping chairs to Memorial Park in Clayton and people watched at a 4th of Jily community event. Once it got dark, there was the MOST amazing firework shoe either of us had ever seen. It was 25 minutes long and had so many beautiful fireworks!! We both decided that this community event will be a lot of fun next year when we have Maddie with us because there were a lot of fun activities for kids. All in all a nice relaxing 4th of July.
Pregnancy: Things are going well. I have been sleeping okay except for my snoring husband and I feel pretty good most of the time. My most recent symptom is shortness of breath and it's not when I'm active doing things, just kinda all the time. I feel like something is sitting on my chest making a heavy feeling in my chest and difficulty breathing. Hopefully this passes because it's not very much fun. My doctor gave me a scrip for Nexium for heartburn and it works wonderfully! I haven't had acid or heartburn since starting it. I had my glucose test about a month ago and did an alternative test where the take my fasting glucose level and then I eat and get tested again 2 hours later......well, I failed it by one point and had to take the one hour glucose drink test. I drank the orange drink yesterday (which was not that bad at all and I got it all down in leass than 2 minutes) and then my glucose level was tested......I was told by my doctors office that I did NOT need to fast for it, but everyone I've talked to said you do need to fast for it and I was worried and decided not to eat......well, I failed that one too! The nurse said that not eating actually sets you up for failure and although the results do not mean that I have gestational diabetes it does mean that I now have to take the 3 hour test next week and stay at the doctors office for a long freaking time. We will finally find out for sure what is going on with me and if I do have gestational diabetes. I hope that I do not, but am okay with whatever happens. I know that I only have 2 more months and once Madeline is out of me diabetes would go away since I wasn't diabetic before pregnancy. I can't believe that I am 7 months pregnant.....only 2 more months to go......it seems like it has flown by thus far, but now time is dragging. I really want to have Madeline and finally have her here with us. I think Dan feels the same way. We still have not started on the nursery and I am getting very anxious to start.....I don't want to run out of time. We are going to Charlotte this weekend but hopefully we will get started painting next week. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
I guess that's it. We're back to our normal schedule at least until Dan leaves again in August. I like having Dan home and being in our normal routine but I really want to have my baby......I had no idea that the wait would be so hard.
Saturday, July 1, 2006
July 2006
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