Wednesday, October 8, 2008's strep

Dan took Maddie to the doctor this morning and she has strep throat. I'm actually really relieved because bacterial infections can get treated with antibiotics which speeds up the recovery process. We had the option of starting her on antibiotics twice a day for 10 days, or having her get a shot of penicillin in her tushy....Dan chose the shot since it starts working immediately which gives her some relief and we don't have to battle with giving her medicine orally. She seems to be feeling better already because she came home from the doctor and wanted to eat some pretzels. She will be contagious for another 24 hours and we were told to watch Charlotte very carefully although kids under the age of one rarely get strep.

I think that we are still going to go out tonight. We called the babysitter and gave her the option of backing out since we have a contagious kid, but she said it was fine. She is going to come over about an hour early so that the girls can spend time with her while we are still at home so they will be more comfortable when we leave. I have to say though that I'm not really 100% happy about leaving Maddie tonight.....I'm gonna do it because I think that Dan and I need this, but the mother in me is telling me that I should stay home with my sick child. I know she will be fine and will have a nice time with the babysitter, but I also know that Maddie's life revolves around me, and that I bring her comfort more than anything else can.....well, except maybe her paci. lol It's just really inconvenient that she has to be sick right now, and that I bought these tickets over a month ago for tonight. I wish the situation was different but it's not, and I'm going to try my hardest not to feel guilty about enjoying my time out tonight. I really need more balance in my life between being a mother and being a woman and a wife, and tonight is one step forward towards that.

Please keep my sicky poo in your thoughts! And pray that Charlotte doesn't get sick too.....I can't imagine an infant not being able to swallow or eat. Not good.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thats a beautiful photo =)

County McCounterson