Halloween was a fun but busy day! We had to wake Maddie up from her nap to get to the parade downtown by 2:30, but of course it didn't start on time which meant a lot of little kids in costumes trying their best to patiently wait with the promises of candy. Thank goodness it was cool out this year so all the kiddos weren't sweating.....last year on Halloween it was in the upper 80s.....ridiculously hot for the end of October. Maddie did really well, and got the hang of saying trick or treat and thank you to all of the shop owners. (they all come out of their stores and pass out candy along main street) She got so much loot that I had to carry her bucket towards the end. At night we went to the trunk or treat which was nice because it was all in one place and we only spent about 45 minutes there and then went home and passed out candy to the neighborhood kids. Charlotte did not participate in either of the activites since Grandma was here to stay home with her. It made things a lot easier for Dan and I and it was easier on Charlotte who probably would have gotten sick of all the festivities. But, I did dress her up in a pea in a pod costume, which was freakin' adorable. She is such a cutie pie!!
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