Monday, December 15, 2008


Yesterday after dinner Maddie and I had our first attempt at making sugar cookies. This was the first time I had tried to make them on my own.....I made them with my mom growing up, but never wanted to put in the effort once I was on my own.....but Maddie is worth the effort! I thought it would be a fun activity with her because she likes using cookie cutters on play dough, so it would stand to reason she would enjoy cutting out cookies. Turns out I was right!! She did enjoy it although she liked eating the cookie dough better!! I was trying to get some of the cut out cookies onto the baking sheet and when I looked up she had a handful of cookie dough halfway in her mouth!! lol It probably worked out well that my baking sheets are shot and all the cookies stuck to them and broke when I tried to scrape them off.....the dough had Maddie germs on it. I ended up throwing most of them away......well, Dan ate half of them, and I was able to salvage a few, but not for giving away......Maddie can eat those. We're gonna try again in the next few days and this time I am going to use a different cookie sheet, and keep a close eye on my cookie dough monster. We'll just have to do it all in baby steps because we still have to frost and decorate the next batch of this rate we'll be done by Christmas day! Too bad I need these cookies for Maddie's preschool party on Thursday. Maybe we will get better as we go!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I learned a new trick this year... if you roll out the dough on wax/parchment paper, then peel the extra dough off so you can just transfer the paper to the cookie sheet then there's no mess of transferring the cut dough and the cookies won't stick to your pan!

County McCounterson