Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Dressing up

I really like the stage that Maddie is in right now. She comes to me and asks for help getting into dress up clothes. She picks out what she wants to wear and then parades around the house being a cowboy (with a tutu and fancy hat....she needs a cowboy hat! lol) or ice skating, or dancing in circles. Its so much fun to watch her learn to pretend. And.....her hair is getting long enough that I can do cute things with it, she even kept a pony tail in for about an hour today!! When she was younger, even as recent as 6 months ago I kept wondering what she would look like with hair and I never could quite imagine it.....now I can't imagine her without hair and looking at pics where she hardly has any is weird!!

Here she is at 22 months (4 1/2 months ago) Much less hair!

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