Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Caution: cousins at play

Food party on the grass

Who knew watering plants would be so fun!

Grandma let them wear her diamonds for dress up! Pretty princess.

One of my favorite things from our trip to California was watching Maddie and her two cousins Alyssa and Brenna play together. Alyssa is four and a half and Brenna turned 2 this past December and is only 2.5 months younger and about a foot shorter than Maddie!! They all got along really well and there weren't any arguments or squabbles over toys. I think that Maddie was more or less Alyssa's little side kick but that worked out okay for a kid who likes to be the boss and a kid who was eager to follow around her older cousin!! From the moment they arrived at my parents house on super bowl Sunday until they left around 8:30 those girls did not stop playing. It was chaos and laughter and dresses and so much fun! When Maddie realized that Alyssa and Brenna were going home she cried and cried and cried. Big fat tears rolling down her cheeks. She was SO sad. She was also really tired, but it was a great day and I hope we'll get to see them again soon!

They had SO much fun playing

Brenna feeding Maddie grapes

Attack of the little sister

Lounging after dinner sans shirt

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