Monday, February 9, 2009

Spur of the moment photo blog and joyfulness

I love my kids. They are so stinking fantastic I can't stand it at times. My heart feels like its gonna burst. Maddie is in such a great phase right funny and ingenious. She makes me giggle all the time. Charlotte is learning, and growing and happy. HAPPY!! I am so lucky. I need to store away this feeling for a day when they are driving me nuts, but I recognize my luck today and wanted to put it out there. Maddie knows so many words I can not even count them. Hundreds. Most of them are perfectly clear, but some have a distinct Maddie-ism to favorite is choclick (chocolate) and I love that she suggests that we use binoculars when she can't see something (like airplanes in the sky) and how she says "here I am," when she walks into a I've been searching for her!! Charlotte signs "milk!" She signs milk for pretty much everything, but hey its a start! She gets that the hand signs mean words and that is the first step. She has been sleeping through the night minus a paci insertion once every couple of nights when she can't find it, and has been taking really good naps. It seems like she has just grown up so much in the last couple of weeks. She has started eating blue berries which she LOVES and next on the list is black beans. Life has been easy the last few days. I'm probably jinxing myself, but it's worth it to be able to say that. All we have to do is get through tomorrow and then we have another 2 days off with Daddy home which is always more fun than him being at work. Maddie has picture day at school on Wednesday which I am really looking forward to....should be funny! Looks like this week may be a good one!

Maddie actually wanted me to take her picture.
She asked, and then posed.

Charlotte has outgrown all of her Jammies.
Notice the popped snaps?

Maddie likes to use anything she can find as covers.
Lying on the floor with the top of a tent toy as her "covers"

Charlotte wearing jammies from Grandma.
Not too long, or too tight! Perfect fit.....for like a month!

Maddie trampolining.....

Charlotte happy to be eating blue berries

Maddie has discovered the joys of having her shirt pulled over her head.
And running into walls and laughing hysterically! lol Weirdo.

Charlotte in a box.

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