Saturday, October 10, 2009

nothing to do on a Saturday

Most days I am up to my neck in busy. Make breakfast,take Maddie to preschool, put Charlotte down for a nap, throw in a load of laundry, make lunch, pick Maddie up from preschool, afternoon nap time, diaper changes, run to the grocery store, the library, the museum, pick up toys, clean up disasters, and now potty training is added to my busy. Surprisingly, this morning has not been busy. We're just kinda chillin'......I think our mood might be a reflection of the gloomy weather outside. It is kind of boring, at least for me. I wish there was something to do, and yet at the same time I'm happy that it's relatively quiet in my house, the girls are playing well together and I am able to devote some much needed time to the internet. (HA!) I'm going to try and enjoy this mellow morning and not wish there was something going on to keep me busy......there is always laundry to do, but I think I'd rather mellow than laundry! :) Happy Saturday!
Baby + hoop skirt = adorable!
Oat bran pancakes
I swear it doesn't matter what the pancakes are made from
as long as there is syrup!

It's so funny to see a pic of her with a paci, it looks so out of place since she only gets them when she's sleeping!

1 comment:

Becky said...

Love the layout! Lazy days are wonderful.....I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)

County McCounterson