I had been worried for a few days that little miss Charlotte had flipped back to the breech position because the hiccupps felt like they were higher in my belly again, but I had another ultrasound and she has been a good girl and stayed head down for her Mama. At this point with 17 days left, it is very UNLIKELY that she will rotate back to breech which is good news! I also found out that the hard spot right in the middle of my belly that feels like she is going to do an alien encounter and burst through is actually just her butt......which is kinda comical.
Based on her measurments they have her weighing 7 pounds 11 ounces and are anticipating that she will probably be about the same size that Maddie was at birth which was 8 pounds 7 ounces. Also, based on her femur they are anticipating that she will be a tall girl just like her sister who was 22 inches long at birth and nearing 6 feet tall now. lol kidding I think it's funny though because they made kind of a big deal about how "big" Charlotte is going to be. I know the average baby is in the 7 pound range, but I don't think that having an 8 1/2 pounder is really all that large.....I know a girl who recently delivered a 9+ pound baby and she was a very tiny girl. Dan was an average sized baby at birth, I was slightly larger than average at 7 pounds 15 ounces.....it's not a totally out there idea that we might just make big babies. And if you look at Maddie now, it's not like she came out large and then shrunk.....she is a BIG girl.....totally proportionate with her height and weight, but man she is TALL! Plus the way they determine the "estimate" weight is based on measurments of the bones via ultrasound and there is a swing of a pound and a half in either direction that it could be wrong. So why comment on "what a big baby" I'm going to have? I just find it dumb. They thought Maddie was going to be over 9 pounds and they were wrong....it just bothers me that if things aren't the same as everyone else (the average) then it's abnormal. Alright, I didn't mean to go off on that tangent.....I don't think I even realized that it really bothered me until I was typing it. lol
So, overall things are going well. I think I overdid it last Sunday with all the painting and stuff and I was hurtin for a couple days, but I've felt really good the last 3 days and I hope that continues. It's been rainy the last 2 days which makes it difficult to get out of the house and let Maddie run around which causes her to be a bit stir crazy, so hopefully the sunshine that is out right now will dry the wet earth and allow us to play outside this afternoon. I better get going, Maddie just walked into the living room with a paci in her mouth which means she has been a paci theif and stolen one out of her crib which is the only place she is allowed to have one. Naughty girl. It makes me laugh though so I can't be upset with her for it!!! I admire her determination cause the theivery usually involves her moving chairs next to her crib, or balancing on her rocking chair and carefully reaching between the crib bars all while trying not to fall.....all of which is not an easy task! I love my daughter! :o)
Just for fun.....Maddie chillin' on the couch cushions that she moved to the floor:
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