Thursday, October 2, 2008

Clemmons State Forest

This is a mushroom......doesn't it look like a flower?

These are weird mushrooms from above and up almost looks like coral

It's been almost a week since we went to Clemmons State Forest, but it has taken me that long to go through the pictures I took since there was almost 100 of them.....gotta love digital! It was such a beautiful place to be, I couldn't help but feel happy. I am looking forward to going back in the next couple of weeks because I think that it will be GORGEOUS with the changing of the leaves. It has still been humid here off and on, and it was truly amazing to see the mushroom growth all over the forest, I had not seen anything like it! It really is amazing how much beauty there is in the state, and it's just around the corner, not miles and miles away, or up in the mountains. I am lucky to have these views.

1 comment:

Becky said...

The humidity must surely suck, but MAN is it beautiful there!!

County McCounterson