Thursday, October 2, 2008

Three Years

Yesterday was our wedding anniversary......we have been married for three years, and for the second year in a row we both completely forgot about it!!! I hope that Dan is happy that I'm not one of those women who make a huge deal out of him forgetting important dates, cause I'm just as guilty. Whats up with that though? Seriously?!?! Why can't we seem to remember our anniversary? Needless to say we did not do anything to celebrate, Dan worked yesterday, Charlotte was crabby and didn't want to go to sleep and I went to bed early. My lovely brother was the one who called and reminded me and then I informed Dan while he was doing the dishes after dinner. We had a good chuckle and wished that we had some cake or something. mmm.....cake. I can't believe that it has been 3 years already, and at the same time SO much has happened that it seems like we've been married a lot longer than that!

We have plans to go out next Wednesday the 8th to see Zac Brown Band live in Raleigh which I am super excited about, so maybe we'll go to a fancy shmancy restaurant before hand to celebrate our anniversary. For my loyal myspace readers, you've already seen me post this video, but for those who haven't seen it, this band is awesome! Enjoy!

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