Saturday, October 11, 2008

The night out

"When you drive and the years go flying by, I hope you smile if I ever cross your mind. It was a pleasure of my life and I cherished every time, my whole world, it begins and ends with you......"
Zac Brown

I was really nervous about going out and leaving my sick baby at home, but it all turned out a-ok. Both Maddie and Charlotte really liked the babysitter....she even had Charlotte belly laughing before we were out the door which is pretty rare for our grumpy baby.
We went out to dinner at a Mexican restaurant in down town Raleigh which was nice but everything and I mean EVERYTHING was really spicy. There was jalapenos in every item they made which ended up giving me indigestion within a couple of hours of eating. We got a couple of beers and had a nice time talking and taking our time eating which never happens when you have kids. We even saw Zac Brown walking down the street presumably to find somewhere to eat. Exciting!

We got to the Lincoln Theater around 7:45 and the opening band went on at 8:00. They were some unknown (at least to me) band that was okay, but I really wished that Zac Brown Band would start early instead of the opening band because I was tired. I know lame....but I am usually in bed by 9:30 and am not so good at staying up late anymore. I seriously felt old at this show....not only did I have indigestion from the spicy food, but we stood right up front during the opening band and the loud music gave me a headache, and by around 9:00 before Zac Brown Band even came on I was ready to head for home so I could go to bed. I did however want to stay and at least hear Chicken Fried, so we waited, and waited and was the last freaking song that they played!!! lol Most of the people at the show seemed younger than us, and hyper and drunk and I really didn't feel like we fit in at all. I think that a venue where people sit at tables and order drinks and listen to live music is more my speed....I know....lame. But people packed in and the cigarette smoke and the drunks, it just felt like too much.

Anyway, we did have a good time although it was a late night and I was really tired. Dan surprised me with a band t-shirt and their CD which you can only buy right now at their live shows. I have been listening to it non-stop and I LOVE it! I hope that Zac Brown Band really makes it big because they are so flippin' talented and fantastic I can barely stand it. The vocals remind me of James Taylor/Jimmy Buffet/Dave Matthews and the overall sound is a mixture between country/rock/reggae/bluegrass So DELICIOUS! They write their own music and lyrics and they are masters at jamming....and they have a fiddle in the band which is really cool.

Check out their music here: Zac Brown Band My favorites are Chicken Fried, Highway 20 Ride, A Different Kind of Fine and Whatever It Is.

Check it out!

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