Sunday, October 12, 2008

Old Mac Maddie had a farm

Yesterday was just one of those days. I was tired and in a bad mood, Charlotte was really cranky because she needed to poop (she still does.....we're now on day 10) and Maddie was really whiny which is not normal for her, but annoying none the less. By Maddie's nap time I was really irritated with my girls, and I just sent Maddie to her room to sleep, no stories, just out of my hair and in bed. She napped well but once she got up it was back to the whining and Charlotte was still being a turd so I made an executive decision and we got out of the house. I think Maddie and I were just really stir crazy since we had basically been in the house for 6 days other than one quick trip to Wal-mart for medicine. I need to put in a disclaimer so no one thinks I took a sick kid out in public.....Maddie hadn't been contagious for over 48 hours and she was feeling much better, she was/is back to eating normally and her scarlet fever rash is almost completely gone although the rash isn't contagious no danger to the public at large.

So.......we went to a local farmers market that has a pumpkin patch and hayride and farm animals and hay maze. I'd planned to do this anyway before Maddie got sick, but figured that she would still be sick during the weekend. It was a nice trip away from the house. It was a bit chilly out but that made it more festive and fall-ish. Maddie really liked the hay maze and liked the hayride so-so....she mostly wanted to get up and stand during it which was not allowed and I had to threaten a time out. Her most favorite thing were the gourds. I know, weird. She wanted to play with them and kept picking them up and putting them back and bringing them over to Charlotte to show her. And yes, Charlotte was there.....she spent almost the whole time in her stroller nice and quiet....not pooping, but quiet. I didn't really get pictures of her because it was interesting enough trying to juggle my camera and the stroller and chasing after Maddie who was enjoying her freedom in the great outdoors for the first time in almost a week. We'll probably do another pumpkin patch/hayride/farm trip at least once more before the end of the season.....thats the nice thing about living in a farm town, lots of farm opportunites. lol I think we'll need to get out of the house again this afternoon, but we'll stick to the park.

What a difference a year makes!!!

October 2007 ***************October 2008

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can hardly believe how much my little girl has changed.

County McCounterson