Thursday, October 16, 2008

Not an iphone (way too much cell phone talk)

Dan and I have spent the past couple weeks trying to figure out what to do with our cell phone plans. We are on a family plan with Dan's whole family which makes the monthly bill very affordable especially since both of us combined use like 200 minutes.....we're not big talkers! Anyway, we weighed the options of getting off the family plan and getting new plans of our own, maybe going with a carrier other than AT&T, and have been debating which new phones to get.

It has become such a pain in the butt to deal with cell phone companies. Their customer service, increased cost of rate plans, decreased minutes, and rules are ridiculous and annoying. I swear I have spent over 10 hours on the phone with AT&T within the last week trying to get what they offer on the computer for new customers, but they don't offer for existing customers.....which doesn't make a lot of sense to me. It seems like all of the cell phone companies are merging and where there used to be maybe 7 or 8 major companies that created competition that kept prices down and reasonable, there are only like 3 now and everything is a lot more expensive.

Anyway, we decided to stay with AT&T on our family plan because its the most economical decision for us. I've always wanted a razr phone....a pink one at that, but AT&T only offers the V3xx which is just a small step up from their original razr V3 which is now obsolite. The new V8 and V9 razrs are the way to go if you want a razr, but AT&T doesn't carry them yet. Lame. So, we decided that we were just going to spring the money and get iphones. They are really cool, we could use them as ipods as well and at $199 its not that expensive for what you're getting and it was only $60 more expensive than the crappy razr V3xx. Dan goes to the AT&T store because for some wacko reason they won't sell them on-line or over the phone. He gets all set to buy them and the dude who is helping him informs that to have the iphone he also needs to add a $30 data package per phone to our plan. SAY WHAT? Not such a good deal anymore. lol $400 worth of phones on our current plan isn't so bad when compared with getting a new plan with a new carrier that would be about $30 more expensive a month. $400 for new phones and $60 a month for a data package which equals $1440 for the two year contract we had to sign on top of the normal amount we pay each month just for our service. Not good. Not Happening! So we ditched the iphones even though we were both really excited about them. Maybe someday when they aren't so shiny and new and there aren't mandatory data packages required we'll get iphones.

So for now, we decided on LG vu (cu920) They are pretty cool.....not as cool as an iphone but a pretty good runner up. They have touch screen and the keyboard can move to landscape mode for typing and music can be stored and you can subscribe ($$more money$$) to a TV service and watch TV on your cell phone.....which we won't be lazy does one have to be to need to bring a TV with them everywhere they go? It also came with hands free speaker headphones and has 3G whatever that is.....Dan says its important, so I feel its important too, I just have no clue what it does. lol We ordered 4GB microSD cards for them so we can store a lot more stuff. Overall I'm really happy with our new phones, they are a lot cooler than the phones we had before and pretty similar to the iphone but half the cost and with now data package fee. Yippee! Gotta love new toys. Now I just need to figure out how to use this thing.....someone send me a picture text or something!!! lol Here is the little darling:

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