Tuesday, October 7, 2008


It is day two of the sick watch. Maddie still has a fever although it's getting harder and harder to take her temp because every time I get the thermometer anywhere near her armpit she starts crying bloody murder. It's not like it hurts or anything.....I have no idea what she hates about it, but there is loathing. There hasn't been any more vomit, but she has a sore throat and her tonsils are red and swollen (looking in her mouth to check her tonsils was a fun adventure too!) and she has small white spots on her tongue. She is also not really eating or drinking anything. Today she has had 1 graham cracker, one spoonful of yogurt, one spoonful of applesauce, 1 popsicle and some juice. Nutritious. We have a doctors appt. tomorrow morning to check if it’s bacterial or viral.....I'm guessing that its gonna be viral like it always is and there will be nothing to do but wait it out. Fun.

I am seriously paranoid that Charlotte is going to get sick from Maddie, and I'm not really sure how to prevent that from happening, or if it is even possible. I wash my hands with soap after dealing with Maddie and I'm trying not to kiss either of them just in case I get "it" or in case I can spread it from one to another. I haven't been sharing any foods or drinks, but Maddie was really into giving me a lot of kisses right before she started showing signs of being sick. Like a LOT of kisses. Weird phase? Maybe. But I'm going to do everything within my power to keep Charlotte from getting sick.....we can not go through this again with another kid.

So, here's a question.....assuming that we keep getting cold and flu bugs from the other kids at Maddie's school, should we take her out of school or leave her in? I mean I understand that kids get sick, and I know that sickness helps boost the immune system, but this is getting ridiculous. This is the 4th time we've had illness in our house since August. I just don't know what to do. I can't just keep my kids holed up in the house for the next couple of years so that they don't ever get sick, but is this normal? Do other kids get bugs this often? I don't want Maddie to have to miss out on school because of illness especially when I can't prove that school is where it's coming from....she could be getting germs from the grocery store shopping cart, but I don't know if I want to keep dealing with all of the sickness, and it's not even cold and flu season.....what are we gonna do then? bleh.

And to top off a really crappy couple of days, I don't think that we are going to be able to go to the concert tomorrow. We finally found a babysitter who is available on a Wednesday night and is someone we trust, but there is no way I am going to leave my sick kid with a stranger. (Maddie has only met her once) If I remember correctly the last time Dan and I had a date night planned Maddie got really sick beforehand too.....maybe this is all part of her evil plan not to have a babysitter? It just sucks because everyone tells me that I need to get out and do things I enjoy, and that Dan and I need to have alone time together, and I finally bit the bullet and planned something and it's probably not going to work out. Suck.

Well, I best be off....Maddie just woke up from her nap after a whopping 40 minutes. I guess we can add not sleeping to the not eating or drinking.

Dreaming of healthier times:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First, I love reading your blogs, I wish I had kept some kind of a journal through all this craziness of kids, but reading about yours def. helps bring up those wonderful memories.

About the sickness, Katelynn was the same way when she started preschool, was sick and snotty nearly the whole time. It does get better, each year she was sick less and less and now that she's in 1st grade and has her own desk and own set of pencils and crayons - no community bins - I'm anticipating even less this year.

The kids are better about getting rest when they're sick then us moms are though. I picked up one of the viruses from the kids last year but because I didn't take the time to rest and get in enough fluids, I ended up with bronchitis.

Take care of yourself too and I'm praying little Charlotte doesn't get sick too.


County McCounterson