Monday, December 1, 2008

mellow monday

I'm starting to worry a little bit....Charlotte has been down for her morning nap for 2 hours now, and that is seriously not like her!! I'm sure she's fine, but it feels like someone replaced her with a different model. I actually would rather her wake up because Maddie is driving me crazy and I would like to take her outside (I'm still not okay with going out with Maddie while Charlotte is inside sleeping) so that she can get some of her wiggles out before nap time.

Today is going to be a mellow day. I managed to snag a turkey carcass at Thanksgiving so the past 30 or so hours I have been simmering turkey bones, carrots, onions, celery and spices to create turkey stock. I think that I am going to strain it tonight and be done with it. Then I will probably spend another 24 hours freezing the stock in ice cube trays for storage. Good times.

Maddie and I have been making snowflakes most of the morning. I am going to take the girls to the craft store this afternoon to buy some supplies. I have a mitten project that I would like to work on with Mads one day this week. I really like that she is able to work on crafts......she doesn't have a very long attention span, and she is limited in what she can do by herself, but she is interested, and willing and we do as much as she wants and then stop. I wish that I was more crafty and creative.....there are some really talented women out there, but I do what I can.

Charlotte is still asleep! My goodness. Maddie is standing on the bumbo chair and trying to get the microwave open. I best be off. Happy Monday!

We made turkey hats last week for Thanksgiving.

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