Friday, January 16, 2009

T is for toe-ta-toes

This blog has been brought to you by the letter T.

My toddler is a very strange eater. Give her a plate with chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese and broccoli on it, and 100% of the time she will head for the broccoli.....heck, I have never.....not once been able to get her to eat macaroni and cheese. I don't know why she hates the cheese goodness, but she refuses to eat it. Her latest favorite food??

Tomatoes......pronounced in the Maddie dictionary as toe-ta-toes. Which makes sense if you think about it, it starts with a T and the word sounds like potato. Toe-ta-toe. Anyway, my girl loves her some toe-ta-toes, but she doesn't like them just strange eater likes cherry berry tomatoes with balsamic vinegar on them. I discovered this while I was eating my daily salad for lunch.....I like oil and vinegar as my dressing. For a couple weeks Maddie ate almost all of the tomatoes off my salad and would still ask for more. When I would cut them up without the vinegar she didn't want to eat them. So tonight was the first night that I made her some toe-ta-toes of her own tossed in balsamic.....and she finished the ones with her dinner and then had MORE after she finished eating. Weirdo!! lol

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