I think that Charlotte is a genius. She signed "more" today. She finished her bottle and signed more, and I made some more and she drank it. We've been working with her on some of the basic signs for a little while now but mostly it's hand over hand kinda stuff. The sign today may have been an accident, or a weird hand spasm, but it looked like "more" and was in the right context since she had just finished her bottle. I'm gonna count it!!
And speaking of more.....this child is going to eat us out of house and home. Not really, but she is ALWAYS hungry. It's only 2:15 in the afternoon but she has had 24 oz. of milk and peaches and barley cereal and countless puffs. She has been waking in the middle of the night to eat again and when she first starts drinking you can hear the milk hit her empty stomach and grumble for the first minute, and she'll suck down 8 ounces in no time. Which makes for a very wet diaper and sometimes a very wet Charlotte in the morning. She is either going through a growth spurt right now, or she has a tape worm.....I'm hoping for the growth spurt lol. Maddie and I eat snacks during the day....I have cheese sticks and we share pistachios.....Maddie is crazy about some pistachios!! Anyway, Charlotte tries to get at whatever anyone is eating and when she can't (nuts not so good for babies) she hollers and is mad until you give her a snack of her own. I'm not quite sure if this is a social behavior or if she is actually hungry, but 1 serving of puffs is like 75 pieces and she doesn't get near that many in a day so I'm not worried.
I haven't posted any stats on Charlotte in a long time merely because we don't have any.....we haven't been to the doctor since October but I'd like to know how much she weighs and how tall she is because she seems to be thinning least to me. She's still plenty chubby, but she seems longer and getting leaner to me. Maybe I'll bring her into the Dr. just to weigh her......maybe not though.....too many germs at the doctors. Maybe I'll bring her to my chiropractor.
I think I'm going to try making home made yogurt so that will be the next food I introduce to her. That and avocado when I can find some that are ripe enough. Well I best be off. She currently has 4 puffs in her mouth which she seems to think is acceptable, but unfortunately for her......I do not.
Eating a mum-mum (thats really the name of it!)
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