Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Terrible twos

Now before you start thinking that I am a horrible mother for posting the pictures below, let me just tell you about the last couple days that I have had. Can you say difficult toddler.....cause I sure can. I have no idea what has gotten into Maddie, but she has been challenging me non stop for the last 2 days. Everything is "no." Even when I ask if she wants to read her favorite books. If I suggest it, she doesn't want to do it. Wanna go in the back yard and swing? "NO." It's driving me batty. Something has taken over my precious agreeable daughter and turned her into a terrible two year old. And the crying......oh my goodness the crying. She's not throwing tantrums, but she is just so emotional. She'll be fine and then all of a sudden start crying. She won't tell me whats wrong, there doesn't seem to be any physical problem, she doesn't have any boo boos. We talk for a couple of minutes.....well I talk for a couple of minutes and then she tells me, "I okay," and just completely stops crying and is FINE and moves onto something else!

There is a new girl in her class who cries everyday when she gets dropped off....I'm wondering if that might have something to do with it?? Maddie has also been mimicking things as of late and her most favorite movie right now is Madagascar. In it there is a small furry creature.....I don't remember what he is....a lemur maybe?? But he's supposed to be young, and he gets scared by Alex (the Ben Stiller lion) and he bursts into tears and cries a lot. It could be possible that she is testing out being the baby lemur!?!? Or maybe she is coming down with something.....she has been waking up from her naps crying. I have no idea whats going on, but I'm ready for it to be over.

Anyway, this afternoon when she got up from her nap I was taking pictures of Charlotte and started snapping shots of Maddie too. She didn't like that and started crying. I kept snapping away which apparently was the wrong decision because she just fell apart. It was the end of the world....crocodile tears and everything. She did stop wailing a couple times long enough to look at the pictures of herself crying on the LCD of my camera, and then went back to her anguish. I put my camera away and she decided she was done with the hysterics and went off to play. Such a drama queen right now.....I figured she might like to see these when she's older and dealing with toddlers of her own!! :) Hopefully this is a short lived phase in her life because things are a lot more enjoyable when we do fun things like reading and swinging and when there is less falling apart.

She looks like she is really suffering here.....like someone has been starving her and then took away a piece of cake after she took one bite.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome, great pictures. I've done it to my own Maddie before - but more to capture her being sneaky, like when she got caught putting on my mascara. She was so scared and upset she burst into tears and I pulled out the camera because I didn't think anyone would believe me, my 3yo putting on mascara.

Becky said...

Fantastic! She's a total actress, she may want to use these as headshots when she's older! You are a amazing photographer, and editer....I would love to sit down with you and watch you edit sometime! I try to get ideas from your stuff, but then I don't really know how to do it. Hmm. Anyway.....good job you! :)

Becky said...

I seriously love this post I had to comment again! LOVE these pictures, she's just so adorable, even when crying! :)

County McCounterson