Wednesday, February 4, 2009


String cheese consumption

Cute dress from Aunt Erin (size 12 mo)
First and last time worn. She's a chunk!

Inspecting Mr. bunny

I just think her expression is funny!


I quite possibly have an addiction!! But both girls are asleep at the SAME time so I figured I'd get caught up on my blogging. And besides I haven't posted any pictures of Charlotte for a while's time.

It is really nice to be home with my baby again! My little mini vacation gave me just enough time away to really miss her and recharge my battery. I feel like she has changed so much, and I've only been gone 5 days. lol She is talking like crazy.....the only intelligible "words" are Dada, and Mama but with a N. She uses them pretty accurately too.....she'll say Nana and then plant her mouth on my face and smear her drool around. She also says Nana over and over again when I leave the room until I come back. The rest are just googily goos and such, but it's really cute to hear her talking. I know I didn't post this before my trip, but she has her top two teeth. She got the left one first and finished pushing through the right one while I was gone. She likes using her teeth, she grips food in between them and then pulls so that it scrapes between her teeth. She did it with a pickle spear yesterday.....yes, aparently she likes pickles!

She is also thisclose to crawling. She gets up on her hands and knees and rocks forward and back over and over again. She can push herself backwards but she can't move forwards.....and she doesn't quite get it that she can get around by pushing backwards, so we probably have another month or so before she is actually mobile. I'm not really in a big hurry for her to start getting into stuff she shouldn't, so I can wait another month or so!!! Charlotte is just starting to stand up and support her own weight without something like an exersaucer under her, but I mostly have to keep my hand attached to her or else she will topple over.

Eating is going well although we are still battling constipation. I think she's just that kinda gal. lol I actually have a doctor appointment scheduled for both my girls in a couple weeks to get their stats and just to check's been close to a year since Maddie has gone for a general check up. I'm gonna talk to the doc about Charlotte's digestion and see when we might be able to switch from formula to whole milk, or maybe goat milk. I think that the formula doesn't help our situation......not that I know for sure that cow milk would be any better. We'll see what he says. I am trying to transition more and more from purees to chunks of food. She is really liking pieces of green beans right now because they are easy for her to grab....pears are a little slimy and harder to get between her fingers, as are peaches. She likes whole milk yogurt and LOVES string cheese. I give it to her whole and she gums it till small pieces come loose and then she eats them.....supervised of course!

It's amazng how big Charlotte is. Big size wise but also big like growing up. In just three and a half months she will be a year old. When she was smaller I kept praying that time would pass so she would grow out of her fussiness and digestive whoas, and now time has passed. She is so much easier than she used to be and time doesn't seem to be crawling anymore. We had such a great day together today! I am blessed to have Charlotte and am so happy be back home with her!


Becky said...

This makes me smile! :)

Erin said...

Ha! I can't believe she's already too big for that dress! Oh well, at least there was photo documentation for the event!!

County McCounterson