Saturday, February 7, 2009

Grocery Shopping

25 Randoms: Grocery Shopping Edition

Since I just got back from the grocery store!!

1. I make a menu every 2 weeks with 8 meals on it which generally last us for 2 weeks.....yes, we eat leftovers.

2. I pretty much always get at least a couple things that are not on my list. I'm a sucker.

3. I absolutely HAVE to go grocery shopping hungry. If I'm not hungry I despise grocery shopping and can't get motivated enough to do it!!

4. I used to grocery shop with Dan, and then we would shop with Maddie once she was born, now that we have 2 kids I shop alone....every time. Sometimes I miss having company.

5. I listen to my ipod while I grocery shop and occasionally you can catch me dancing. lol

6. Dan is a lot better at packing and organizing so he puts all the groceries away and cleans out the refrigerator at the same time.

7. I almost always buy store brand (cheapest). There are a few things like peanut butter, instant oatmeal, soda, and crackers that I will buy name brand.

8. I do not do coupons. I wish that I did.....I have a friend who is seriously into them, but I just can't do it.....maybe some day. (because it's way too much work for me!)

9. I love having a happy fridge and pantry. Right after grocery shopping everything is organized and full and it just looks so happy. I know, I'm a WEIRDO!

10. Whenever possible I buy in bulk. It saves time and saves money. You should see my pantry!!

11. I typically know how long different produce lasts, so I make my meals accordingly so whatever would spoil first gets used first.....I don't like having to go back for things later in the week.

12. I have 40 pounds of chicken, 15 pounds ground beef, 10 pounds Italian sausage, 40 pounds of beef (steaks and roasts) and 10 pounds of venison in my deep freezer.....we haven't had to buy meat in months!

13. When I get asparagus (like I did today) I cut off about 1/2 inch of the ends and stick them in a cup of water in the fridge.....they last longer that way.

14. I don't buy organic nearly as often as I would like. I just can't justify the increased cost.

15. It bothers me when people are not aware of others around them in the grocery store and block the aisle. If you need to stop, pull over as close as you can to the side and stagger with others who are stopped.

16. I organize my groceries at check out so that cans go together, produce together, refrigerated together, frozen together etc. It's easier for the checker, and it's easier once I get home and we have to put it all away.

17. Dan likes to get all of the groceries into the house in one trip if he can. He'll totally load his arms down and carry 15 bags at once if he can get it all in at once. lol

18. If there is a whole grain variety made, I will buy it. Whole grain crackers, pasta, bread, cookies anything. Whole wheat.....not so much.

19. I do not buy cookies. Well, I do buy Nilla Waffers for Maddie, but nothing else cookie-ish. If there is a need for cookies in my house, I make them.

20. The few times that I have bought convieneince foods for Maddie to save me a little meal making time, she refuses to eat it. I bought her a lunchable and replaced the little candy bar with green beans......the green beans were the only thing she would eat. Not so convienient!!

21. It seems like we spend an obscene amount of money on groceries each month even though I penny pinch. I don't know how people with large families do it!

22. When Dan and I were first married I would just walk up and down the aisles and figure out what I needed. That was a really ineffective way to shop. I wasn't nearly as good a cook then either.

23. We have a membership to BJs which is like a Costco or Sams Club etc. My favorite thing about BJs is the samples they have during the week. But I have NEVER actually bought anything I've sampled.

24. I think half of our monthly grocery budget goes to produce.....I need to plant a garden! It would save us a lot of money.

25. I am making Thai beef with string beans and lime sauce for dinner tonight. I don't snap my beans, I cut them approx. 7 at a time and I thaw my meat in a zip lock in warm water in my sink, usually 1 hour before cooking.

The End.

My happy refrigerator

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