Friday, February 20, 2009

object permanence

Charlotte is currently learning about object permanence which I must say is one of my favorite and least favorite stages. At first it is really cute to watch a baby reach their hand over the edge of the high chair and drop a handful of black beans onto the floor and then peer over the edge to see where they landed. However, it sure does get old quickly!! lol It's also flippin' cute when she doesn't want to go down for a nap, how she grabs her paci out of her mouth and throws it. Not just a casual droppping of the paci, but a full on chucking of the paci across the room. I had to work really hard at keeping a straight face the first couple of times because it was so about 15 paci throws in......not so funny. But as with Maddie, every new phase I make the proclomation that this is my favorite phase......and they always are my favorite.....until the next phase!

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