Sunday, October 10, 2010

Eleanor Irene

I'm sure that this is old news for most people since I was pretty good with Facebook updates, but Eleanor Irene Schultz was born on Thursday, October 7, 2010 at 4:48 pm. She weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces and was 21 inches long. Dan and I checked into the hospital on Wednesday afternoon and that evening my doctor did a procedure called a Foley bulb to help open my cervix. We spent the night at the hospital (although I did not get much sleep) and Thursday morning at 8:00 am I was hooked up to pitocin and labor began......I was already 3-4 cm thanks to the Foley bulb. My contractions were pretty mild until around 1:00 when my doctor showed up and broke my water. That sent me into some serious labor and by 3:30 I was in transition. By 4:30 I was hurtin' big time and kept asking the nurse if she had called my doctor because this baby was coming! I ended up pushing Eleanor out in 2 pushes....literally 3 minutes and she entered the world before my doctor even arrived.

We chose the name Eleanor because we both think it's a beautiful and classic name, we also like the nickname possibilities. Her middle name Irene is in honor of my grandma who passed away this past January. My grandma was a very special woman and I wish she was here to meet her newest great grand daughter. Baby Eleanor is a very sweet and mellow baby and we are very very happy to finally have her here!!


Anonymous said...

What great pictures!! Eleanor Irene is beautiful, can't wait to meet her. Gina you and Dan have a beautiful family, keep up the good work. Love and Miss you all, say hi to your mom, Aunt Nan

Anonymous said...

congratulations, Gina! I just saw the pictures of your new baby tonight! Three girls is wonderful fun. We love her name, too. She looks so cute. blessings to you!

County McCounterson