Sunday, January 1, 2012

End of November and my return to bloggerland

 I have been very negligent with my blog these last couple months.  I blame's too busy.  Really though the reason I haven't been on top of this site is because I spent a good portion of my "free time" during November and December doing photo shoots for my business.  Taking pictures of other people, editing pictures of other people take time and I have less interest in picking up my camera and editing my own pictures when I've already spent hours on the computer, hours behind my lens.  It's all good of course.....I love that my business kept me busy this fall and I believe that if I get organized and start earlier next year will be even more successful.  

We have also been very busy with all things holiday.  We made a special play set for Thanksgiving to learn about the Pilgrims and Indians, the girls had a feast at their school and we went to Charlotte, NC to spend Thanksgiving with Dan's family.  Thanksgiving weekend also began preparations for Christmas.  The house got cleaned, the tree was picked out (I have a funny story about our tree that will be featured in another blog) and we started making decorations.  I have thoroughly enjoyed the fall and the holiday season this year!  It's nice not having a small infant in the gives me more time to do fun crafts with the bigger girls and introduce Eleanor (very slowly) to the fun of markers and glitter!

One of my goals for 2012 is to be better at maintaining this blog.  I know not many people read it, so I don't feel like I would be disappointing anyone if I stopped blogging, but I want this record of our life for myself.  For my girls.  I need to make sure that I get at least the important things posted in this space.  I have other goals for this year, taking more pictures of my family, making business plans for, advertising, crafting more with the kiddos, using my sewing machine more......I'll write more about my goals in another blog.  For now, I'm back and I hope to get some more posts up in the next week or so to get caught up with the past couple months.  Below are some pictures from November of our Thanksgiving peg people set and the girls feast day at school.

I love that Charlotte has some red substance all over her face!

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