Saturday, November 29, 2008


I am currently typing on my laptop and borrowing the wireless connection from one of my neighbors called, if you read my blog, thank you very much are helping my ability to connect to the internet from my couch!!

With that said, I do not have any photos to post because my laptop does not currently have anything stored on it, and our wireless router isn't set to arrive until December 2nd which means I can not access our desk top computer which is where my photos are stored.....all 12,000 of them. Yeah, I know.

But, if I had access to my photos I would post at least one of Maddie looking like a very grown up girl, because today she was one. She went pee pee on the potty not once but twice!!!! We've tried this before and all that was accomplished was Maddie screaming like a banshee while on the potty not going and then getting off and peeing all over the living room floor. I don't know what made today different although there were similarities in that she did cry for the first couple times we put her on the potty but she eventually got over it. We put her on the big toilet with the little kid insert cushy seat and we picked out books to read while she sat there. She doesn't quite get the idea that she actually needs to perform to get a treat which today was little suckers (she picked, and I am getting something different for the future because they are too sticky) and she threw a fit when she got off the pot after not going and then didn't get a sucker. But tonight when she did go she got a big ol' song and dance and jumping around and yelling from Mama and she seemed to really like that lol maybe she doesn't need the candy at all?? I doubt it.

I don't know if she is quite ready to be potty training full time....she is only 26 months old, but I feel like we might be getting over the screaming bloody murder when put on the potty stage which is good. I was really scared that she was going to be "afraid" of the toilet forever and be in diapers until she was 13. We'll keep trying to put her on the potty and see what happens.....maybe she'll catch on quicker than I think. I must say that she looks really adorable in her Dora underwear. Such a big girl! I really don't want to use any type of pull up diaper type contraption so I've been looking at waterproof training underwear which should hold most of the pee in, but make her feel wet and uncomfortable.....which is the whole idea! lol

Many parents have told me that potty training is by far the hardest and most consuming part of parenting.....I can see why. I'm not necessarily looking forward to this journey (twice) but I know it's a part of life. Surprisingly, or not surprisingly.....Dan is much better at this than I am. He is more consistant and Maddie seems to be calmer when she is dealing with Daddy. If only he was here everyday.....I would totally let him take over! Oh well. Wish Maddie (and me) luck!

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