Tuesday, January 27, 2009

bath time

I have a busy weekend and might not get around to blogging so I'm gonna try and post a lot the next couple of days to make up for my absence. One of my most favorite things about having two kids is bath time. We now do dual bath time and it is so much fun to have both of my girls in one place playing with one another. Usually Maddie doesn't stop moving around the house, and I am trying to occupy the baby, but during bath time I can play with both, they can play with each other and they are both stuck in the same place at the same time. Eventually they aren't going to want to do this together anymore, or when they do there will be arguments over bath toys, or space, but for now everyone is happy and I get to watch my girls together.

p.s. One of my least favorite things to do with two kids is running small/fast errands. I would much rather take both of them full on grocery shopping than on quick trips to the post office or blockbuster. Too much work getting them in and out and in and out and in and out of the car seats!!

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