Monday, August 3, 2009


We did not get a cast yesterday because the orthopedist wanted to wait another day for the swelling to go down in Maddie's arm. We DID get a cast today! Maddie was such a trooper! She was so brave and such a good girl. I brought some of the prizes that I bought for potty training (which we are on a hiatus from) with us so that she would have some distractions in the waiting room. There were so many little kids with broken bones and casts. The youngest was a little guy about Charlotte's age with a broken left arm. The doctor came in asked Maddie what her favorite color is....Maddie said yellow, but after I was informed that the yellow cast is like neon yellow we decided to go with blue. Maddie had told me in the car on the way there that she wanted a blue cast. The doctor and nurse took off her splint which Maddie didn't like. They put a sock on her arm and then started with the fiber glass. I gave Maddie a ring pop to help distract her during this process and it worked really well! She was totally fine with everything up until they had to bend her arm 90 degrees and put the fiber glass on her elbow and upper arm at which point she started crying and tried to push the doctor's hands off of her arm. She was really sad for a little bit after that, but she recovered well and went back to enjoying her ring pop. We weren't able to get a waterproof cast because they no longer do them due to patients having skin problems while wearing them, but I am really happy because the cast only has to be on 3 weeks instead of the 6 weeks we were originally told. So, we have a dark blue cast, and a little girl who seems to be almost back to her normal self. I am gonna go out and refill her prescription today although she hasn't been using the codeine much, and I want to find a cover for bathing that the doctor said Walgreens carries. If anyone has any cast/bathing tips I would greatly appreciate them! I'll keep posting as things progress!

Maddie's x-ray from Saturday
the big hand in the right corner is Dan's

You can see the break better in this x-ray
under the elbow joint on the left hand side, looks like a rip

we spun around and played with the doctor chair a lot


Anonymous said...

Plastic store/gargage bag and duct tape work great for baths...

Unknown said...

Oh goodness! I hope this isn't the beginning of a trend for Maddie or she is certainly her father's daughter!! I hope she feels better soon and she is a tough girl so the cast will be no problem...especially when she realizes she can draw on it!

County McCounterson