I've always known that I wanted to be a mama! I never thought it would happen as quickly as it did, but I am so grateful that it did. Maddie came into our world at 5:40 pm on Tuesday, September 12, 2006. She weighed 8 pounds 7 ounces and was 21.5 inches long. Today my first baby girl turns five! Everyone tells you how quickly time passes when you have little ones and it is a truth that I have come to know. How have five years gone by already?!? For me motherhood has been a huge learning experience.....I have grown so much in the last 5 years. Being a mama to Maddie (and my other girls) has made me a better, slightly more patient person and has taught me to slow down and enjoy the small things in life.
Maddie has grown so much this year, not only is she ridiculously tall and looking like a big girl, but she is also super smart. The insightful things that come out of her mouth make me laugh but also make me think too! She has learned basic math, she can read simple words and is getting very close to reading books on her own. Her penmanship has gotten significantly better and she surprises me with her knowledge of science and geography. She has a thirst for knowledge and asks a bizillion questions about anything we are doing. I love the way this girls brain works and I look forward to watching her learn. She also has an incredible memory and will shock you with information that she pulls up from a year ago. Like when I told her at age 3 that she could have a cat when she turns 8.....she tells strangers, "When I'm 8 I get a cat.....counting up to 8 always reminds me of my kitty I'm gonna get!" Nothing gets by her!
Maddie is a very special girl! In a lot of ways she is a tom boy, she likes dirt and bugs and worms but at the same time she wants to wear a dress every day. She loves a tea party and is my cuddler. She's not much into cooking, but she loves to eat and this year has marked a huge transformation in her eating habits. She used to be picky and tell me that she doesn't like things but this year she has started eating everything I make, she doesn't complain about it and she hardly ever tells me that she doesn't like something. Nearly every night at dinner I worry that there is going to be a struggle over her eating and nearly every night I am completely surprised by her flexibility and easy going-ness.
I love this girl so much! She makes life so interesting and keeps me entertained every day. I love her willingness to help with anything I ask of her. I love that she has such a great relationship with her little sisters. I love that even at the old age of 5 she still comes to me for cuddles when she is hurt or tired or upset. I love her kind heart and how when she gets something she always asks if Charlotte can have one as well. I love her big feet and her beautiful eyes and her strong legs that keep her moving constantly. I love that she wants me to read to her all the time and can sit through long and increasingly more complicated stories. I love that she craves routine and is proving to be a planner.....just like her mama! And I love the sheer excitement she feels and exudes with everything, even the mundane. I love that Maddie loves fiercely and wears her heart on her sleeve. This girl is such a blessing in my life!
Here is her 5th birthday interview:
What is your name? Maddie Rose Schultz
How old are you? 4
How old will you be on your birthday? 5
What is your favorite color? Pink
What is your favorite cartoon? Pocoyo
What is your favorite breakfast? Pancakes.....with sprinkles
What is your favorite dinner? PIZZA
What do you want to be when you grow up? A beautiful ballerina
Where is your favorite place to go? Monkey Joes, the beach & camping
What is your favorite toy? Littlest pet shop
Where do you live? North Carolina
What pet would you like to have? A cat
When do you get a cat? When I turn 8
What is your favorite thing to wear? Dresses
What is your favorite part of being a family? Movie night, camping and hugs & kisses
What is your favorite thing to do? Playing with Lilly at school
Do you have a nickname? Yes, Angel Cake (this is not accurate! lol) We call her Moo or Maddie Moo
How do you like your hair? Short because it is easier to brush....and no pony tails
Where are you having your birthday party? Old McDonalds
What do you want to do at your party? Party and do a party dance. Listen to music, eat cake and ice cream and cookies and chocolate and juice.
Anything else you'd like to say? Noah & Lilly are my best friends. Lilly is in my class. I like helping people and not fighting with toys!
Asked today on her birthday:
How does it feel to be 5? Good
Do you feel older? Yeah, but I kinda feel the same.
What did you get? Pet shops and lot's of other stuff like a new scooter and games. And mama made me a cake!
Happy 5th birthday Maddie!
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